ABSTRACT – John Holland Gallery, Lepe, Huelva
1 April – 26 May
From the 1st of April to the 26th of May, Alvaro Alcázar is curating the exhibition Abstract at John Holland Gallery in Lepe, Huelva.
The path of abstraction, beyond the canonical European avant-garde of the 20th century, has led artists to express themselves by experimenting different techniques and materials. What this exhibition shows is that there is a multiplicity of ways of approaching the concept of abstraction, some focused on space and light, others on the technique itself, or simply pursuing a particular aesthetic. But beyond formal pretensions, most of the artists in this exhibition endow their works with a deep content, paintings and sculptures that speak to us about their author’s feelings, of his relationship with nature, or of his own existence.
It is a heterogeneous mix of artists, all represented by the gallery, who work in different disciplines, such as sculpture in the case of David Nash or Nigel Hall, painting on canvas in the case of Rebeca Plana, board for Guillem Nadal, or paper for Cristina Babiloni. We also find heterogeneity in the nationalities of the artists, as the Spanish artists are joined by British artists such as Nash or Hall, or German artists like Wolfgand Flad and Krauskopf. Nor are the different careers of our artists uniform, since authors such as Rafael Canogar, Murado or Edmondson have decades of experience in the Spanish and international art scene, while others such as José Cháfer or Rebeca Plana, or Cristina Babiloni represent the gallery’s firm commitment to emerging art.