The Gallery presents the second edition of its project In Parallel entitled A day is a day. For this exhibition the Gallery has designed a calendar of the year 2020 in which the artists of the Gallery and guests have made a work with free technique and theme. It is an exhibition in which the only homogeneous element, the calendar, will be surrounded by different styles, themes, techniques, showing the aesthetic diversity of current art.

We would like to thank the forty-six artists who have made this exhibition possible whose benefits will go, in part, to the Pablo Hortsman Foundation in the section of the Belén Jordana maternal care unit (Ethiopia):

María Acuyo, Anuca Aísa, Nacho Alcázar, Ángel Alen, Eduardo Arroyo, Cristina Babiloni, Luis Canelo, Rafael Canogar, Carla Cascales Alimbau, Pedro Castrortega, Félix de la Concha, Simon Edmondson, Abel Fernandes, Hugo Fontela, Jorge Galindo, Kepa Garraza , Norberto Gil, Miguel Gómez Losada, Reyes Abad, Macarena Gross, Mari Puri Herrero, Paz Juristo, Peter Krauskopf, Cristina Lama, Miki Leal, Francisco Leiro, Lluis Lleó, Berta Llonch, Sergio de Luz, Rafael Macarrón, Eduardo Martín del Pozo , Felicidad Moreno, Antonio Murado, Guillem Nada, Miguel Nuñez, Rebeca Plana, Mari Quiñonero, David Rodriguez Caballero, Inés San Miguel, Mónica Sánchez Robles, Matías Sánchez, Miguel Sbastida, Julien Spiewak, Isabel Valdecasas, Nuria Vidal, Javier Viver.