2 – 5 of September 2022
Stand# S11
The Alvaro Alcázar Gallery presents in this edition of Kiaf Seoul some works by the artist of the Rafael Canogar Gallery.
The origin of the work exhibited in this fair is to be found in 2020, coinciding with the confinement that the artist spent at his home on the coast of southern Spain. There, with almost no materials, he began to explore with different supports acquired almost randomly over the Internet. One of them was acetate plastic, which resulted in paintings with a one- or two-tone paper base, with a sheet of acetate laid on top, on which the artist traces a more matteric horizontal line.
This model, created with paper and acetate, he later took it to large format by using methacrylate, where the artist works on the front and back. But this aesthetic also carries a strong symbolic charge, as for him it represents landscapes of sky-earth and earth-air, where the imprint of man is evident through the brushstrokes.
All of Canogar’s work of the last two years follows this same line, showing how the artist, at 86 years of age, has been able to renew himself. The painter, who began his career at the end of the 1950s as a founding member of the Grupo el Paso, returns here to the search for essentiality that moved abstract expressionism and informalism at the time. He has recently emphasised his desire to return to working with minimal elements in order to enhance his radical nature, as he did at the height of the Spanish avant-garde. He thus returns to his origins, closing the circle he began to trace back in the 1950s.